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Notes on the maintenance of rubber rollers
The rubber roller mainly transfers ink on the offset press. Therefore, the rubber roller must be cleaned carefully during daily cleaning, otherwise the surface layer of the rubber roller and the pigment and resin will be oxidized to form a smooth and hard film, which will cause the surface to vitrify and affect the ink transfer. Therefore, the rubber rollers should be cleaned and stored for later use when the machine is stopped.

In the offset printing operation, the ink is emulsified due to "large water and large ink", forming a hydrophilic foundation on the smooth rubber roller, making it deinking. The solution is to shovel the emulsified ink, wash the deinking rubber roller with gasoline, mix and polish with 5% sodium hydroxide aqueous solution and pumice powder, and also deal with the metal roller (or hard roller) accordingly. The hard roller can also be polished with fine water sand under the water-sprinkled state. Be careful not to stay in the same place, otherwise it will damage the rubber roller. The fundamental method is to control the pH value of the hopper liquid to improve the ink and wash balance.

The rubber roller has been used for a long time and is aging, coupled with the erosion of chemicals, causing the rotten glue to lose "slag". It is best not to use such a rubber roller, otherwise it will seriously affect the quality of printing.

In order to ensure that the production and printing quality are not affected, spare ink rollers must be provided, but do not store too much to avoid aging. The storage environment of the rubber roller is the same as the blanket. In addition, the rubber roller should be set up straight at the journal, and the surface should not be in contact with each other or with other objects to avoid deformation of the rubber roller.

Rubber rollers should not be stored near large motors and generators. Because the large amount of ozone produced by these equipment will cause the surface of the rubber roller to age and crack.

When the weather is cold, the ink is not evenly printed. You can add auxiliary materials to the ink appropriately. It is forbidden to use infrared heaters and other equipment to bake the ink rubber rollers to prevent the rubber rollers from oxidizing.
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